The idea that you educate for jobs is an idea of the past. Today, you learn to create your future, to create your job.
Andreas Schleicher⠀⠀
The idea that you educate for jobs is an idea of the past. Today, you learn to create your future, to create your job.
Andreas Schleicher⠀⠀
In the age of automation, which skills will be in high demand?
Ever since formal schooling began in the early industrial era, societies have relied on schools to develop the skill sets required for the workplace. Looking ahead, as automation and artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly transform the workplace, there will be new demand for skills that education doesn’t currently offer on the scale needed. In addition, half of the everyday tasks currently being performed across all sectors are likely to be automated in the coming decades. This sets up a task for education systems: to figure out which skills are going to be valuable in the future, and which are not.